This unique test can be used for more effective weight management, chronic disease risks, athletic performance, diet, and skincare management.
What is DNAlysis?
DNAlysis offers a unique and innovative approach to testing your genetics for unparalleled insight on how your body responds to medication, exercise, and personal dietary needs. Our DNA can be explained as a body’s “programming” and with DNAlysis, your medical practitioner can gain insight into your specific requirements, gain knowledge on your dietary needs and work out the best exercise program according to your body’s “programming”.
Who can benefit from DNAlysis?
Everyone can benefit from DNAlysis, from people with a desire to lose weight, lead a healthier lifestyle, young athletes, professional athletes, and people with chronic illness.
For so many years, athletes have been told to practice harder, exercise more, push themselves a little harder to reach their goal. But no two athletes or people are the same and by pushing harder, you might not see the results you wanted and risk serious injury along the way.
DNAlysis testing can be beneficial in protecting young athletes from serious injury and by testing an athlete’s DNA, medical practitioners can determine the impact their genes have on sports performance. New exercise routines can be implemented by your sports practitioner which will benefit your body type for better performance.
Weight loss:
We have reached a point in our lives where the national lockdown with the pandemic, caused a lot of South Africans to gain weight. Being restricted to where we were able to go and most of us having to work from home, we all gained some extra pounds. By doing a DNAlysis test, you will be able to lose weight and keep the extra pounds off.
With DNAlysis, your medical practitioner can see which food to restrict, which foods and vitamins your body needs, and achieve better results than with conventional methods. Leading a healthy begins with a choice.
Hormonal Problems
DNAlysis can also benefit those with hormonal problems. Hormonal problems and vitamin and nutrient deficiency can have an impact on how we live our daily lives. This could cause extreme exhaustion, not feeling yourself, depression, and lowered sex drives, is to name just a few.
By having a DNAlysis test done, your medical practitioner can make adjustments to your diet and supply you with integrated medicine to treat hormone deficiency.
Dr. merchen naude, a qualified sports Doctor in Pretoria, now offers DNAlysis testing to improve your overall health, assist athletes with adjusted exercise routines, help women with her medical weight loss program and assist in treating hormonal deficiency utilizing integrated medicine.
Dr. Mechen Naude is an avid athlete herself and has assisted many athletes to overcome injury, adjusted exercise routines, and aided in an athlete’s overall health.
Make an appointment today with Dr. Merchen Naude to get your DNAlysis test done.